We want visitors to feel welcome and included, and we will be very glad to meet you before or after the service.
If you need prayer or there is anything we can do to help or encourage you on your spiritual journey, please don’t hesitate to ask. We would be happy to help.
Sunday school for children and adults: 9:30 AM (except for the first Sunday of the month when we usually have a fellowship meal after church and there is no Sunday school).
Sunday morning church service: 10:30 AM
Special services include a Maundy Thursday service, an outdoor Easter sunrise service, a Thanksgiving Eve service, and a Candlelight Christmas Eve service. See Calendar for times. All are welcome!
There are actually two separate buildings right next to each other. The fellowship hall (Bennett Hall) is the building closer to the graveyard, while the main church building is the one closer to the road. Enter the church at the far right of the main church building.
Our church service is normally about an hour and 20 minutes long.
Click here for a sample Order of Service.
We sing a mixture of traditional and newer hymns accompanied by a piano and a keyboard.
There is variety in what people wear in our church services, from jeans to suits, with most people wearing something in between. Women in the church wear pants, skirts, or dresses.
Children of all ages are welcome in our church service. Some parents choose to keep their children in the service for the whole time, while others prefer to take their young children out during the sermon or as needed. This decision is completely up to the parents.
A nursery space is available for parents to be with their children where the service can be seen and heard. There is a large window as well as a rocking chair, changing table, toys, and an adjoining bathroom for the children. In addition, the service is piped into the foyer.
The Bible Fellowship Church of Zionsville is wholly committed to providing all children and adults who attend the Church with a safe place to worship God and hear His Word. All abuse of children—physical, sexual, emotional, or spiritual—is abhorrent to the Lord (Matt. 18:5-6) and will not be tolerated or overlooked in the Church no matter who the abuser is.
For specific information about the safeguards in place for the protection of children, please Contact Us or speak to the Pastor or one of the other Elders.
We are happy to answer any other questions you have! Contact Us